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Age of Defense

Action defense game, play 40 levels in 8 ages, battle against 32 characters, use 37 weapons, spells, effects, and unlock 34 achievements! Tons of upgrades and special effects! You are brave warrior armored by 3 type of weapons: Thrown Object, Arrow and Gun, your objective is to protect your base from the enemy onslaught at all cost!

Author: BeluGerinStudios.com Hits: 21,982
Date: 18th October 2010 Rating:
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Sorry you need Adobe Flash Player so that you can play Age of Defense


Hold mouse to increase throw power, then release it to throw a thrown object.
Press mouse to shoot arrows and guns, when ammo empty, it will automatically reload.
Press 1 to use primary weapons.
Press 2 to use secondary weapons.
Press Space Bar to cast special weapons.
Click world to set background.
When blue bar maximum. weapons will affect special effects: fire, poison, explode and light.
Click Spell Button to use spells, each age own different spells.
Press P or click menu to pause.