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Bloons TD4 Expansion

In this game you will be using your towers to defend the walkways from the ballons that like to try and take over the board. Place the turrets in just the right place to do as much damage as possible. As the balloons pass around the board your defence turrets will pop as many of them as possible.

Author: Ninja Kiwi Hits: 49,840
Date: 15th December 2010 Rating:
Bloons Tower Defense 3

Bloons Tower Defense 3

Once again we present to you Bloons Tower Defense! Their back with a 3rd! This incredible…



Fire your arrows at the balloons floating in the sky, sometimes bouncing them off…

Bloons 2

Bloons 2

Guide your monkey through the new world in Bloons 2. Help him pop the target amount…

Sorry you need Adobe Flash Player so that you can play Bloons TD4 Expansion


To play this game you will need only your MOUSE.